Utila throwback and warning

There’s a video about Utila making the rounds on Facebook, but I thought I’d share it here as well. To everyone who has not experienced Utila: BEWARE! All so classic. This is where I got stuck for seven weeks… insane Utila, steals your soul, actually. Good god I love that place! 😛 Miss my Utila crew and our crazy times desperately! ♥

So many truisms, I couldn’t stop laughing because they’re all so crazy but also spot on:

“…another week won’t hurt…” Love that finding Dr. John in the bar is *actually* the official emergency response plan (true story). We rode a bike into the water too, but it was off a freakin’ boat into open ocean instead of a dock! Notice the eyewear of choice; this is where my douche bans habit began, along with so many other bad ideas… Oh Tranquila Tequila Tuesday, the most dangerous day of the week. Going diving at Black Coral Wall, of course they are because it’s crazy overdived and everyone is sick of it. And the lies… “not drinking tonight” but in a Flor de Caña singlet. Yeah, it’s a healthy place, riiiight…

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